A twist on melody paths…

In this 5 minute video Tim Collins explains his method of learning the sound of chord progressions. It’s a kissing cousin to melody paths in IFR, without using the term. I always think a slightly different perspective helps us see and hear more things


Indeed. The idea of doing a two note ‘root plus’ Melody Path is an interesting take a way from the video.

Of course, we already have Melody Paths that, at least occasionally, have more than one note per bar, but ‘root plus’ as a regular thing is rather different?

I’ll try to remember to give a go. :slight_smile:

Thanks for posting the video.

I enjoyed that very much. Thanks. It reminded me of the great clip of Tom (and Jerry) learning to play the piano in 6 easy lessons.

If only! However if it was that easy, would it be as satisfying?

Great clip. Thanks for posting. :slight_smile:

Thanks for posting @hender99, always good to get a few more ideas for different ways of working with the IFR material.

I’m really enjoying STN3 lessons, but finding it difficult stopping myself racing through to the end!

@mem I know what you mean! As it came out while I was doing the Recognising Chords by Ear (RCbE) course I was being strict with myself & only using tracks/lessons that related to what we were working on with the course.

However, the last week of the current run has just finished & yesterday I was out cutting grass (I use a scythe, so it’s a very quiet process!) so I treated myself to listening right though StN3. All great stuff. but having recently spent a long time with 1,4,5&6 I particularly enjoyed feeling how the 2 & 3 bring in their characters later in the StN3 sequence of lessons. :smiley:

A special thanks to @MireiaClua for Ear Training For Musical Creativity & RCbE, & David Reed too for coming up with the @ImproviseForReal view of the musical world. The increased understanding of and consequent deeper pleasure in & appreciation of music that you’re leading me towards is such a joy (& I’m only at an early stage on the road, so far!). :D.

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Thank you too, @DavidW. It’s such a pleasure sharing this music practice with such passionate and caring people. And I really appreciate all of the positive comments and supportive environment here on the forum.

Also for @DavidW and @mem, on the subject of skipping ahead versus digging in and going more slowly, you know that we’re always preaching about the value of doing less, enjoying more, and going more deeply. But please don’t ever let this trump rule #1 which is to always honor your own curiosity and enjoyment. If the expanded palette of sounds that you have in the later lessons of Sing the Numbers 3 is what’s most fascinating and appealing to you right now, then both Mireia and I would tell you to enjoy those sounds to your heart’s content.

We already have so many different resources and creative activities that give us a deep immersion in the sounds. And even in the more advanced courses, the most basic sounds still continue to appear. (For example, even in IFR Jam Tracks Level 4 the 1 chord still appears.) Because of the way we talk about these chords using tonal numbers, almost everything we do reinforces our clarity of perception in general. So even when you’re studying that 7-b5 chord in Sing the Numbers 3, you’re also getting better at recognizing the more basic chords because they’re all made from the same seven notes.

So I just wanted to add this encouragement to always follow your own passion and curiosity, even when it deviates from the path we’re teaching. Remember that our teaching materials are made for a general audience, so we need to try to illuminate the path that will give the most people the best experience. But each one of us is unique, and it’s natural (and good!) to feel curiosity and fascination about all kinds of things, on a schedule that won’t necessarily match anyone else’s. So what you can do is to use the IFR materials as a kind of reference showing you the most logical and orderly path. But then you can go off exploring all kinds of tangents whenever that inspiration comes.


@DavidW Here’s the “root plus melody” singing taken to the next level. See this Tim Collins video starting at about 3:25 minutes. Blew my mind. This is not one of my near term goals, but still pretty cool. Kinda reminds me of juggling 5 balls and 2 plates at the same time.

The other parts of this video are worth the 3.5 minutes as well.

@hender99 Wow!

While riding a unicycle! LOL! :smiley:

A more practical variant I tried as an experiment was to use the idea with Sing the Numbers 3 and sing chord roots while @MireiaClua was singing melody. Interesting idea. Not sure how often I’l repeat the experiment! :wink:

I love that variation, David! :wink: