2 5 1 and 6 4 practice

Sharing some of my practicing of yesterday. Not great quality as I was recording with my phone and was trying a looper app.

Looping chords 2 5 1 and trying to improvise something over:

Looping with chords 6 and 4:


These are great, thanks for posting. What’s the name of the Looper app you’re using, and how are you finding using it?

Thanks @mem. I was using Loopify Beta on Android. I like it. I use it on my phone. It’s convenient to record an idea with my acoustic guitar, and nothing else than a phone and headsets.

On an iPhone/iPad, I used Loopy, which can do more things like connecting a midi pedal to control the loops.

About looping in general, I recommend @MireiaClua’s video: