Backcycling Query

Working on Backcycling through a diatonic scale chords with 2 5 1 as outlined in IFR

For each diatonic chord in the key I am back cycling first to dom7 (4th below) then to min7 (4th below dom7) (if I start on a major or dom chord) or min7b5 (4th below dom7) (if start on a minor chord).

If I want to push the tension back further how do I back cycle further before the 2 chord and will that be different if I originally started on a maj,min or dom chord as my resolution for this part of a progression?

ie what is the: X in X 2 5 1
Then X X 2 5 1 and so on

Is it a matter if just dropping another 4th
And playing the chord of that note in that key.

Let’s say first chord is A (1) Key A

C#m7 F#m7 Bm7 E7 A

Let’s say first chord Am (6). Key C

C#m?? F#?? Bm7b5 E7 Am

For the chords above the MinMaj7 sounds ok but not sure I’ve got this backcycling concept nutted.

Any help appreciated.

The way I’ve seen this handled in diatonic jazz standards is to stay with the diatonic chords. So in key of c, it goes backwards f b e a d g c, and then back to c.

The songs typically “temporarily tonicize” the target tone of a 251, treating it as if it’s the 1 chord. Doesn’t work for the 7b5 chord of course. So they just stop at that point.

But there’s nothing from stopping you from going out of the single key. Just drop down a fourth each time. Both ways sound good to me, but different. As always, if it sounds good, it is good. The sound comes first, the labeling later.

As a practical matter, most jazz standards seem to stay in the sequence 36251

The back cycling with the 3 & 6 seems to work OK prior to 251 with diatonic minor chords. Thanks for the response Hender99

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