How to embed a video on this forum

Our server currently doesn’t support uploading video files directly [*]. However, it supports very well embedding videos from common video hosting providers (e.g. youtube, vimeo, etc.) As Ying mentioned, the videos don’t have to be public on these websites. I personally upload the videos on youtube and set them as “Unlisted”. I then just need to paste the youtube link in a message here, and it is automatically displayed as an embedded video :grin:.

The link to your video needs to be on a new, separate line in order for the forum software to display it as an embedded video.

Let me know if I can help you in getting your video displayed here

[*] Hosting videos is actually not easy. It requires lots of space and computing power to properly encode each video to a format suitable to display on a web page.


You like to see video 's

and my question is how to upload a video!

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Hi Vinny, you can simply upload your video to platform such as YouTube and then share the video link here.

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on youtube…no thanks :wink:

it just for IFR blog not world news

Our server currently doesn’t support uploading video files directly [*]. However, it supports very well embedding videos from common video hosting providers (e.g. youtube, vimeo, etc.) As Ying mentioned, the videos don’t have to be public on these websites. I personally upload the videos on youtube and set them as “Unlisted”. I then just need to paste the youtube link in a message here, and it is automatically displayed as an embedded video :grin:.

The link to your video needs to be on a new, separate line in order for the forum software to display it as an embedded video.

Let me know if I can help you in getting your video displayed here

[*] Hosting videos is actually not easy. It requires lots of space and computing power to properly encode each video to a format suitable to display on a web page.

Just to clarify a bit more: an unlisted video is only viewable when you have the link to it, or when you are on a page where it is embedded. So you can choose who gets to view it.

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You can set the video as unlisted.