
Hello @Trappist1. Welcome to the forum.

The Sing The Numbers tracks are not available in multiple keys. Nor are the keys of the various tracks advertised. I believe this is intentional?

By my estimation StN 1 is in C, so that’s close to your preferred D. I believe other tracks vary from Ab to Eb?

I believe the idea is to sing along with @MireiaClua in an octave that you are comfortable with and get experience of hearing & using the numbers in a range of keys.?

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Hi and welcome to an exciting journey! I’ve recently done the video course and found it incredibly helpful!

Do you mean the first track in lesson one? I agree it seems to start in C but only covers 3 notes, not an octave.

D is then only 1 note up, the note 2 covered in the example so I’d be tempted to stick with it as presented if it was me. But I’m not an expert here.

Are you having problems with note 2? I did, always flat, but kept at it and eventually it sorted itself. Sing that off made getting the next note hard.

It’s not surprising 2 is hard as it’s not part of the nice chordal notes played by the guitar. It’s sounds dissonant against them so it’s harder to land on. After a while it became familiar. I think I also tried singing just with a keyboard (actually a phone app) and single notes to help get pitch without the backing harmonic context. Recording and listening helps too.

Hope that helps.

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Ps I tried some pitch shifting software but the results were unpleasant. I’d stick with the track as is. A lot of thought has gone into them. You can adjust the octave as David says, I had to being baritone or bass.

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PS. Since you have the Ear Training course you also have the Feel the Numbers materials too. When you get to using those you might be interested in the ‘equivalence’ table I posted in another topic here:

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I’ve often wondered about that @steve . You have confirmed my guess. What I have successfully done is slowed down a couple of the FtN tracks. FtN 14 & 15 were both a bit fast for me at first. Slowing them down to 80% or even 70% allowed me to make better progress.

I used Transcribe! to do the slowing down, but other tools would probably do just as well?

I’m pretty sure I tried pitch shift in Transcribe! But definitely also SongMaster.

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PS I’ve been thinking of adding speed control to the Musical Parameters app as the player supports it.

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Like you @steve I now have that choice too, which I didn’t back when I made those slower files.
I have a project where being able to isolate the main parts from a recording was very handy, so that was the trigger to get around to adding SongMaster to the team. :smiley:

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It’s pretty good, though John admits is trained on pop and rock.

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Hi All,
Thanks for the welcome.
Also, thanks for the very interesting conversation and the many helpful pointers to better practice.

DavidW, I will make use of the equivalence table you’ve shared. I take your point about following/singing track STN1-Track 01 in the key I am now comfortable in.
Steve, I am having problems at times, starting at the correct pitch, and returning to a different pitch. And you a right, repetitive practice is going to make a difference.

I was hoping to have a reference singing track that would help me perfect pitches in the key/octave that I am now comfortable in, before proceeding to the other tracks. I have since created a piano track that is equivalent to STN1-Track01, in the key/octave D3-D4, maybe that will help some.


@Trappist1 I now have a more comprehensive version of that table, including columns for time (duration), range (i.e. the numbers covered) and (my guess at) key. I’m not sure if anyone would be interested in it?. It’s sort of fun working out the key :slight_smile: . Maybe I could post two versions (PDFs?) one with key one without?

Where are they David? They sound interesting

Until you asked they weren’t anywhere but in a simple text file on my computer. :wink:
However I’ve just quickly built a couple of very basic html pages and uploaded them as

Sing the Numbers & Feel the Numbers equivalence


Sing the Numbers & Feel the Numbers keys & equivalence

Pick the first if you wish to find the keys yourself, or pick the second if you want to see which keys I think they are.

Print out, link or collect & adapt as you wish…


Thank you very much David.

Thank you DavidW.

For anyone who does wish to adapt, I’ve added a third version (with keys) that is just the simple text. If you don’t want to ‘see’ my keys do a quick edit of that column without really looking! :wink:

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Hi David - Funny to see you post this as I have just gone through the exercise of tabulating both the key and tempo for all the STN files as I’m creating more custom FTN versions for myself.
You might want to check STN 22, as I think it might be in the key of C, not Db :wink:

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Thank you @Paul. That’s not one I’ve made much use of yet. I hope to move on to using it in the next couple of weeks, so your correction is very timely. Thank you. :smiley:

PS. Looking back at my hand written notes I can see that I did have it down as C at one point! Typos happen. :frowning:

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All good David - I suspected it might have been a typo as you had 23 down as Db and thought you might have done a copy and paste by mistake.
All the rest line up exactly with what I had.

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The copies that the links connect to have now been corrected. Thanks again.

Based on the number of uses of the links (as shown by the forum) I believe you are likely to be the only person to have picked up the keyed version before correction.